A Hallyu Fan Becoming an Honorary Reporter: An Induction Ceremony 2021 Reflection
Last May 20, 2021 was the most awaited day for Korea.net Honorary Reporters and K-influencers, most especially to the first time newly appointed Honorary Reporters like me. Funny how I noted it on my calendar so I could not forget to attend the live streaming of the Induction Ceremony. But to my dismay, I completely lost the time and memorized the wrong time schedule, making me unable to attend on the exact day. Brushing off the worries away, I waited for the replay of the online Induction Ceremony that was uploaded on YouTube and watched it to my heart's content. I have personally discovered Korean Culture and Information Service (KOCIS)’s Honorary Reporters Program last 2018. That time, I was not fully aware of how it was to become an HR but I tried to apply anyway. Unfortunately, I was not accepted. On 2019, I reminded myself again to apply but I was not able to. On 2020, I lost my confidence and drive to apply because I thought I could not...